Peruvian ballet dancer who hid Shining Path rebel is freed

Maritza Garrido Lecca, 52, was sentenced in 1992 after the leader of the Shining Path rebel group, Abimael Guzmán, was found in her apartment. The Maoist guerrilla group was largely dismantled after the capture of Guzmán.

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Brazilian Meatpacking Tycoon Detained In Corruption Probe

Brazil’s chief prosecutor ordered the arrest of one of the country’s richest men after he and a colleague recorded themselves discussing crimes related to a sprawling corruption probe.

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Brazil investigates reports of massacre among Amazonian tribe by gold miners

Eight to 10 members of a remote indigenous group were allegedly killed by men working for illegal prospectors in Javari Valley Brazilian authorities are investigating reports of a massacre of up to 10 people from an isolated tribe in the Amazon by illegal gold miners.

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Unicef appeals for international help for Caribbean islands devastated by Hurricane Irma

International community shouldn’t rely on Britain, France and the Netherlands alone to respond to disaster, organisation warns 23.30 EDT Last modified on Monday 11 September 2017 23.

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