Sky-Fox merger referred to regulators

The Culture Secretary has said she will refer 21st Century Fox’s bid to buy Sky to competition regulators. Karen Bradley said the £11.7bn deal would face a six month investigation due to concerns over both media plurality and broadcasting standards.

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Florida Keys, airports partially re-open after Irma rips through state

FLORIDA CITY/MARCO ISLAND, Fla. (Reuters) – Parts of the storm-ravaged Florida Keys will allow residents to return on Tuesday to survey damage from Hurricane Irma, which devastated the state with high winds and storm surges that destroyed homes and left millions without power.

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Exclusive: US Navy ships in deadly collisions had dismal training records

(CNN)The two US Navy destroyers involved in deadly collisions in the Pacific this summer both had lengthy records of failure to fulfill key training requirements, according to Government Accountability Office data provided to Congress and obtained by CNN.

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Monkey Selfie Copyright Lawsuit Settled After Deal Reached

SAN FRANCISCO — Monkey see. Monkey sue. Monkey settle. Attorneys representing a macaque monkey have agreed to a compromise in a case where they asserted the animal owned the copyright to selfie photos it had shot with a photographer’s camera.

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Amid Hurricane Chaos, Domestic Abuse Victims Risk Being Overlooked

Natural disasters like hurricanes Harvey and Irma can displace people and leave them scrambling to find stability and routine. But during catastrophes, victims of domestic violence face unique challenges in addition to taking shelter: seeking safety from their abusers.

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